Questions all Parents must answer


We love our children – Yes, of course.

We want a better future for our children – Yes.

Are we following all the best parenting practices? Yes.

Do we have control over our ambitions and temperament in front of children? Yes.

Well, asking all these questions would be a cliche’. Times change and so are the challenges, and so does the parenting styles and tactics. Today, we cannot and should not ask/ expect our children to behave the way we used to be in our times. Change is the only constant, the wheel of change will keep on spinning and we have to adapt to the new situations before it gets beyond our control.

Now that I am doing Positive Parenting series in #BlogchatterA2Z and having written around a dozen posts, let’s have a turn-around post. Here are few questions on parenting, answer honestly and observe your parenting style.

Questions all parents must ask themselves –

I consider myself a good parent because my child is well controlled in Public places.

Children obey and have an understanding of the behavior at public places as practice.

Parents have threatened with punishments if not behave accordingly and child is under stress.

My focus is ONLY on my child, even when she/he is among a bunch of other kids.

Micro-management has many side effects, one of the most common is child feel burdened.

Children consider themselves as not part of a common group, due to parental interference.

I let my child involved with friends, provide them space but keep an external vigil for safety.

My child mentions about a bullying episode occurred with someone else.

Let it go, as this does not affect me or my space.

Explain child its part of learning process.

Take details and consider raising it with right authorities.

I have explained my child about good touch/ bad touch.

Parents are aware of the environment and make their children understand between right and wrong.

Children are scared to interact with anyone due to the explanation.

Parenting Questions

You tell a lie, your nose will grow into a tree.

Parents have explained lying is a bad habit, with examples and stories.

Enforce not to lie with the threat of punishment.

Lying is a bad habit, but you have done many times in front of children.

I see you as my success story.

Your ambitions and aspirations are now on their shoulders.

Let them engage and search for an interest without interference.

Inspire them to choose what you feel is right for them.

I want you to be BEST in everything.

Best or Premier wins the race, rest is just crowd.

Enjoy what you undertake, medals are good but not everything.

Parenting is fun and happy phase, children grow our from our lap and start on their own very fast. Our responsibility is to make childhood the best time of their life. This post is not to prove anyone right or wrong, it is just to introspect are we following the right track.

Happy parenting! #gleefulparenting

This post is written for #BlogchatterA2Z series by Blogchatter, and my theme for this challenge is Gleeful Parenting.


O for Opportunities.

P for Patience.

@Dipika Singh Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger) with right and specific direction to the original content.
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